Monday, 23 April 2012

The Bouquets

The night before the big day when everything was closed and nearly everything on the list of things to do was completed, I sat down to make the Bouquets.

As I had my lovely sister as my only Bridesmaid, there was only two to make....

I sourced my flowers from a lovely man called Patric who every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, along with his son Domenic, have a flower stall in the Newcastle Hunter Street Mall.

Patrick and Domenic own a flower farm called Kemps Creek Flowers.  Their main produce are Rose's and Carnation's but I have seen Sunflower's, Gladiola's and Lilly's there frequently.

A phone call to Patrick and Domenic asking for ivory and cream Rose's, and he brought them to Newcastle freshly cut the next morning.


The flowers were beautiful, I couldn't have asked for more perfect, fresh and beautiful flowers on my wedding day. 

Thank you Partric and Domenic!  

Sunday, 22 April 2012

The Wedding Flowers

Just one day before the wedding all the flowers went to the both the church and the venue.

After much debate and much confusion (and a few false starts) the decision was made: White Oriental Lilly’s, Magnolia leaves and spear grass were the centre pieces for the tables.
I found candelabra that I just had to have, and they too became centre pieces. 

My tireless mother and I went to the venue (The Newcastle Club) the day before the wedding and put every single one of the flower arrangements together by hand.

I tied individual blue bows around each of the blue Sea Holly for each of the guest nameplates and we stood back and hoped that on the night the perfume from the Lilly’s would be the first thing that people noticed as they walked in the door......

Saturday, 14 April 2012

The Wedding Cake

Being a stubborn, overreaching individual with an primary focus on making sure that this wedding was unique to J and I, I made sure that the four months we had to prepare and execute a wedding were both stressful and busy!
My first major decision was to make the wedding cake.
Seeking an opinion from my beloved was proving to be an almost impossible task.  Finally after forcing him to look through many a wedding and cake book he finally decided on a non traditional cake.  Three tiers but not on top of each other...
Being a fan of fruitcake he made my life slightly eaisier for me by choosing to have the big and the little tier out of fruitcake (which can be made well in advance) and the middle one out of chocolate mud.
It took 6 cakes to get the required heights for the cakes.
It took approximately 132 individually hand rolled roses for the tops.

Eventually just two days before the wedding day the cake was delivered safe and sound to the venue.... but I can assure you not without many a anxious moment.