Monday, 23 April 2012

The Bouquets

The night before the big day when everything was closed and nearly everything on the list of things to do was completed, I sat down to make the Bouquets.

As I had my lovely sister as my only Bridesmaid, there was only two to make....

I sourced my flowers from a lovely man called Patric who every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, along with his son Domenic, have a flower stall in the Newcastle Hunter Street Mall.

Patrick and Domenic own a flower farm called Kemps Creek Flowers.  Their main produce are Rose's and Carnation's but I have seen Sunflower's, Gladiola's and Lilly's there frequently.

A phone call to Patrick and Domenic asking for ivory and cream Rose's, and he brought them to Newcastle freshly cut the next morning.


The flowers were beautiful, I couldn't have asked for more perfect, fresh and beautiful flowers on my wedding day. 

Thank you Partric and Domenic!  

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