Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Leaving a comment

As I learn the 'ins and outs' of blogging I am asked many questions by friends who visit my blog.

The big question at the moment is: "How do I post a comment on your blog?"

I am embarrassed to say I had to sit down and work this out! However now that I know - it is SO easy!

At the bottom of each post you will see a grey box with some information about when I posted, what time etc.

You will see also the words No comments (or if there is already a comment – there will be the number of comments made).

If you click on the word comments, and new page will open that will look like this:

Write a comment, choose your identity and click the Publish Your Comment box and you have done it! You have posted a comment!

I would love to hear your comments (both positive and negative) so please, feel free to post anytime!

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