Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year

The wonderful J and I have 10 glorious days off together over the Christmas / New Year period, and we are enjoying every minute of it!

We have a list of jobs that range from 5 minute jobs to jobs that would take us a week to complete and we are steadily working away at all of them! We are making sure that we have lots of time for relaxing and I have already read two books and have another two that I want to get to before this week is up.

I can't wait to show you all the projects that we have done, or are about to do, but that will have to wait until later this week when we have made a bit more of a dint in that list!

I wanted to wish you all a wonderful New Year - I hope you are all doing exactly what you want this evening and hope you have a great first day of 2013 tomorrow!

Happy New Year! 

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