Friday, 25 January 2013

Building and mess

So you may have noticed the hap-hazard nature of the last two weeks of posts - intermittent and not very many of them ..... sorry about that, but this place is a mess!

The wonderful J and I have always had plans to make some changes to our house.  They layout of the house is fantastic at the front, but as it gets to the back of the house there is a bit of a rabbit-warren of little rooms and spaces that we have used for storage, as we couldn't do anything with them.

For over a year we have been working with our Architect John, of John de Bruyn Building Sustainability (who I couldn't recommend highly enough - he has been amazing!), to come up with a design that was within our very tight budget, allowed us to utilise the space we had better, but that did not limit us for major changes that we might want to make in the future.  It was a huge brief!!

And that is exactly what he gave us.  We have a spectacular, beautiful plan of what we could do in the future (that we just can't afford to do right now) and we have a interim plan that we can do right now and will give me a new kitchen and a new bathroom!

We found a builder and we were already to start last August.  However with a number of things not going to plan we missed that start date by a mile.  Then we had some differences of opinion with the builder that we were engaging and that set us back again, as we were then without a builder.  Then, out of nowhere, we found a builder/contractor that we knew we could work with - and he was ready to start now!

We went from nothing to everything in just two short weeks, and all those jobs we knew we had to do (but thought we had heaps of time to do) needed to be done right now.  And that is the reason behind the  hap-hazard nature of posts for the last two weeks!

The wonderful J and I have been busy packing, so that now parts of our house look like a bomb went off:

Demolition is due to start next Thursday.  It is very exciting, a bit nerve racking, and there is just so much to get done! but I will make sure that I post as much as possible so you can see the transformation.

In the meant time today's jobs are:
  • Finding tapware for two bathrooms
  • Matching bricks
  • Choosing tiles for the bathroom floor
  • Making the increasingly difficult decision whether to do a feature tile in the bathroom (??!!)
  • Buying windows
So I better get to it!

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