Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Elvis has left the building

As we are actually at the end of day two of our renovation I need to go back in time a do a bit of a recap for you........

A week ago today we were living in mess and disruption, but we still had hot water and wall sheeting.

That all changed in a matter of hours!

First the hot water was turned off and despite the fact that we were very welcome at my wonderful parents house we continued to live at our house.  This was so our beautiful boy Archie didn't have to board at the vet a minute longer than he had to!

This is him with our foster kittens looking very mature. 

Early Friday morning the Asbestos men came to remove the Asbestos in our laundry.  By mid morning parts of our house looked like this:

After a week of cold showers we finally moved out into the luxury of hot water, clean sheets and meals that didn't come out of a can! It was bliss - thank you mum and dad!

On Sunday night after two days of clearing, staking, packing and taping up of doors and cupboards we finally said goodbye to our house as we knew it:

The kitchen

The dining room 

The only bathroom

The unused sunroom

The back door

The laundry and kitchen window and chicken pen

The back of the house

I promise I will show you want it looks like after a day of renovation tomorrow, it is amazing what our fantastic builders have been able to achieve in just two short days! 

However, now I have to go and meet the Engineer to review the structural integrity of the joists - isn't it amazing that I actually now know what that means!

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